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There is a variety of different laser treatments for different skin types and concerns. Sometimes facials don’t cut it and the results you want/need require a little bit more work on a cellular level. Laser treatments can be non-invasive or invasive and require several days of healing. We work with two medical-grade laser companies, Aerolase and Spectrum, to bring you their Neo and Spectrum devices.  Laser facials are more expensive but have deeper and longer-term results. 
The Neo is a non-invasive laser treatment to treat, and correct active or cystic acne, redness, scarring, and also delivers skin-tightening resulting in smaller pores, smoother skin, and fewer wrinkles, and lines. It is great before an event because there is no downtime! When treating acne we recommend a series of three t0 six weekly treatments, for best results. We all know nothing is done with one treatment and results may vary. 
IPL is short for Intense Pulse Light which is a little bit more invasive and typically requires a few days downtime including zero sun exposure. We call this our Photo facial. IPL uses light energy to target certain colors in the skin. It helps tremendously with hyperpigmentation in the skin caused by sun damage or uneven skin tones and redness from rosacea, acne, or broken capillaries.  Provides an instant glow and reset to the skin-boosting collagen, elastin, and killing bacteria. A series of 2 or more is recommended for best results. 
Q: Does it hurt?
A: Pain tolerance is different for everybody. Session s get more tolerable with each treatment as a result of reduced hair growth. The treatment is very quick and the discomfort is very short-lived. 
Q: Does it work on darker skin? 
A: Yes absolutely. This is great for dark, coarse hair types. 
Q: Can I do this pregnant or breastfeeding?
A: You can not receive laser hair removal treatments if you're pregnant but it is ok if you're breastfeeding. Always consult with your primary physician first. 


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